Its been a while since I scribbled anything down for you to pick to pieces so with it being a bit quiet in shop today I thought I’d wile away a few minutes….
Car Parking ? Is it a problem or not ? Obviously it is judging by the amount of comments on the community facebook pages. This was before Hull Fair as well. Especially down the Avenues with loads of complaints about cars parked up on double yellow lines and blocking access to tenfoots and such. So it is a problem although I continually get shouted down by some individuals if I say it is.
I had an instance last week outside my shop. The people next door were getting a kitchen delivered, you’d have thought that would be straight forward enough ? No not on Chanterlands Avenue. He had to put out a police no parking bollard to save a space for the delivery van at first light, this was shoved out of the way several times by the front bumpers of cars wanting to park in the space. The guy was out all morning prancing up and down on his mobile, looking at his watch trying to save just one space so he could unload his kitchen. Talk about stressful, I thought he was going to have a heart attack. I asked him how he thought I managed when I sometimes get several deliveries in one day ? So it is a problem for everyone.
Last Saturday night I had the misfortune to be on Spring Bank West/Chanterlands Avenue at 10.00 pm on the last night of the Fair. Honestly I’ve never seen car parking like it in my life. They were everywhere, on the pavement, on the dual carriageway, down ten foots, double parked and just dumped. It looked as though all the occupants had just abandoned their cars and done a runner.
God know knows what would have happend if there had been a fire engine of an ambulance required in an emergency. Which happened late afternoon on Chants during Fair week. The avenue was grid locked both ways with an ambulance, siren and flashing lights stuck in standing traffic for a good five minutes or more before vehicles could edge to once side to let it through. It really was a dangerous situation.
It is a problem, we all know it and not just at fair time so don’t you think it’s about time it was taken seriously and something was done about it ?
Of course. But nothing will.
Only one street has parking restrictions placed there because 1 resident complained about delivery wagons (Lynton) and the councillor, Mrs Brabazon spent thousands of ward budget pounds doing so. It has made it very dangerous to cross and not stopped people parking there at all. Total waste of money.
There is no answer to the problem. There’s no room for more parking spaces. People don’t shop in the way they used to. The hairdressers are always full so it’s not a problem for their customers.
There is plenty of room if they removed some of the double yellow lines. Also the council found room on Newland Avenue by inserting inlaid parking at the top of some of the streets. Also if the ‘hairdressers are always full’ how come the largest and fully fitted hairdressing salon on the corner of Park Avenue has been up to let for over a year ? are you saying that all those residents posting on the community websites about the problems with parking are wrong ?