I have received a letter from the House of Commons, sent by Diana Johnson MP for Hull North, it reads….

Dear Chanterlands DIY @ Hardware,

I am delighted to let you know that you have been shortlisted for my competition for the best small business in Hull North Saturday 2021.

This year, more then ever, it is so important to show our appreciation for our local community small businesses, so thank you for all that you have done for our community. The pandemic has been a rough time for us all, so please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you.

The final voting stage will now begin, and the winner will be announced on 5th December, Small Business Saturday. In order to encourage customers to vote, I have enclosed a poster to display in the window of your business, or to share on your social media. I will also be posting regularly on facebook and twitter about the competition, so please feel free to share this content.

Yours sincerely,

Diana Johnson MP.

Labour Member of Parliament for Hull North.


I am delighted to received this nomination for the seventh year in succession and I thank everyone who has nominated me again. It truly is an honour for a small one man band like mine to be recognised in this way and I am up against some big concerns/businesses with many members of staff, all of whom have friends and family voting for them.

It is also an honour for Chanterlands Avenue and I’m sure everyone will be delighted to hear this news. There may be more nominees on the avenue too.

Thank you again.




  1. Hiya Gazza just seen the list. Good to see a couple other businesses down Chants included too. Is Steve’s Cycles, John White’s lad who had the shop back in the day ? and Panache, is that still John too and his wife ? They must be well past retirement age now and you cannot be far behind yourself ? Are these the same awards that someone claimed were a fiddle and decided by someone sticking a pin in a list of names ?
    Only joking. Good luck and I will pop in next time I’m home.

  2. Hello Alan. Good to hear from you. The answer is yes to all of your questions. As for retirement myself, you make me an offer pal and I’m away.
    Bet its cold and windy where you are ?
    You home for Sheffield between Christmas and New Year ? Need to know to book tickets. Email me.

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