Christmas 2021

As we come to the end of another year it is always a good time to reflect on the one now slowly ebbing away. It has been a very difficult year for anyone in retail, unless you are one of the Big Boys who have had another bumper crop thanks to the Covid pandemic. With the Government forcibly closing ‘non-essential’ shops and encouraging everyone to stop at home and shop on-line. I was one of the lucky ones allowed to stay open under the essential shops rule. I have family who were not so lucky. They had to scramble about doing home deliveries just to keep their heads above water. One of my daughters went back to her old job with the NHS.  Meanwhile, in their case, a huge Tesco super store, open 24/7 was allowed to trade freely selling everything under the sun. No restrictions what so ever on numbers entering the store, and didn’t they cash in ! One of my daughters lost the Valentines Day and Mothers Day trade from her greetings cards shop, two essential occasions that keep the small traders going through the lean times. On Chants we had Panache in exactly the same situation. A small, independent trader forced to close whilst the local supermarkets and even the 24/7 petrol station were allowed to fill their already full isles with greetings cards to mop up all the trade. A senario familiar up and down the country I’m sure.

You only have to visit the city centre to see the damage the lockdown restrictions did and I doubt if it will ever recover. The retail landscape has been changed forever more. Then just when we thought we were getting back to normal we are all anxiously listening out to the news bulletins expecting to be under lockdown restrictions again at any time.

Despite this life does go on and down our own little avenue have we seen that many changes this year ? The stalwart shops are still here, touch wood, and we have a couple more hairdressers. Everyone of the traders are working their socks off to make their business pay and I admire each and every one of them because not a lot is in our favour these days.

For me the parking situation dominates everything as it has done for years with no-one willing to find a solution to make it easier for everyone instead of it being the elephant in the room. I have traded on here for 30 years and not one person has ever come in to my shop and said they use me because of the ease of parking. It’s a boring subject, I know but it does effect every one of us in some shape or form at some time.

The traffic situation throughout the city has become a nightmare this year with the installation of all the cycle lanes. I witnessed it first hand last night on Freetown Way. Bumper to bumper traffic all siphoned into one lane because of the new cycle lanes. Nearly 30 minutes to travel a couple of hundred yards whilst not one cyclist rode past us all sat in traffic in that time. They call it progress. We shall see what effect it has in the New Year when they install a cycle lane down Victoria Avenue which is already horrendously bad for parking. You try delivering anything down there at night.

I received the latest Lib Dems newsletter this week and was interested to see the councillor is claiming to be interested in getting the Railway Bridge painted. All I can say is good luck with that one. I was making progress on that one back in 2017 until I was told to take a back seat and leave it to the councillors.

The Thursday volunteer gardening ladies have toiled away all year keeping the flower beds beautifully tended plus the decorations they put up at Halloween, Easter and Christmas. My thanks go them and I do hope they are rewarded in some shape or form one day because their efforts brighten up everyone’s day. A special mention to Steves Cycles too for winning the community award in Diana Johnsons small business awards. Like me Steve opened throughout the lockdown and I know how hard he worked so it was well deserved.

We have sadly lost some real characters and friends too this year. My thoughts go out to the relatives of each and every one of them.

So thank you to all my readers and to those who have tried to pick a fight with me at every opportunity. I only strive to do my best for the avenue by offering a good service and help where I can. But you cannot please all of the people all of the time.

Merry Christmas one and all.



3 thoughts on “Christmas 2021”

  1. Merry Christmas. Sad news about Hortons on Chants sending out redundancy letters of Christmas Eve.
    All the best and thanks for the blogs.

  2. Over 45 comments and counting on the Aves @ Dukeries FB page about parking, permits and the problem residents have with it. Seems it is a problem.

  3. all the best Garry hopefully we will get back this year.
    stay safe and happy new year to you and your family and all on chants avenue
    Niel Tina & Teddy (HULL INKs)

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