The appeal ends two weeks today. February the 28th is the cut off date and £17,500 is still required to turn this dream into a reality. It is actually 10% more then that but a kind benefactor has offered to donate the rest if the £17,500 can be raised.

It amazes me that there are community social media sites for this area who have not got behind this scheme at all. It would cost nothing for them to simply publicize the appeal.

Every penny would help.





  1. Got the liberal newsletter shoved through my door over the week end and they don’t even mention the fountain appeal. They do not mention much at all in fact. Only that a councillor has concerns about the brightness of the bulbs in the street lamps and a concerned John Robinson pointing at cracks in the pavement. ~

  2. Besides a bit of grafitti on the walls what have either of the parties done recently ? answers on a post card to Guildhall, Hull.

  3. Why don’t you donate, seeing as you’re so successful and all about the community. Quick lock the comments before someone with more sense comments eh?


  4. I have. Weeks ago. Not to mention the many items I have given to the committee to sell at various street sales.
    The energy and time you put into your bitterness would really be more useful if you redirected it at a more deserving target then me and my business.

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