Chanterlands DIY

The rumour is the above DIY shop may well be opening on Saturdays again as early as March 19th.

3 thoughts on “Chanterlands DIY”

  1. Opening under new ownership. Will be nice to see a smiling face behind the counter.

    1. How will you ever know as you have never ever set foot in the door ? Supporting local businesses ? You hypocrite.
      From over 300 good luck messages and kind comments, rest assured, that once again, you are the only one who cannot hide your jealousy and bitterness.
      But you continue to wallow in your ever deepening cesspit of bitterness whilst I move on with my life, which I suggest you might try finding one yourself instead of sticking your nose into everyone else’s business and getting on everyone’s tits..
      So thanks for nothing.
      and cherrio.

  2. Well said G and thanks for everything. Look at all your lovely comments on the avenues and dukeries facebook page, even one from Darren Hale the leader of Hull City Council. Then look at Love Chanterlands Avenues page. Says it all mate.

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